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Mission and Vision of Paco Catholic School

A people called by the Father in Jesus Christ to become a community of persons with Fullness of Life witnessing to the Kingdom of God by living the Paschal Mystery in the power of the Holy Spirit with Mary as Companion.
Paco Catholic School, an evangelizing arm of the Church, is an institution of learning and formation, offering quality Catholic Education. It envisions its students to be total persons sensitive to the plight of the poor and responsive to the needs of the dynamic Philippine society and global challenges.
In the light of this mission, we commit ourselves to:
1. make PCS a home and institution of excellent quality education with emphasis on Gospel values integrated in all learning experiences;
2. nurture within the community an atmosphere of service and genuine concern for the upliftment of the deprived, depressed and underprivileged;
3. provide opportunities and tools for holistic development of students to make them locally effective and globally competitive; and
4. establish linkages with the home and community to sustain efficient and responsible stewardship of God’s creation.
1. To provide in its curricular offerings learning experiences deeply rooted in Gospel values
2. To deepen within the community the love for Christian service and concern for our less fortunate brethren
3. To harness students’ potentials and talents in all areas of endeavor, making them highly competitive
4. To create an environment where students develop a sense of duty and purpose, personal, civic and moral responsibility and commitment to God and Country through responsible stewardship
Pursuant to its vision, this institution seeks to produce:
A. A morally upright person with unwavering faith in God and constant love of his fellowmen;
B. an individual who values himself in order to preserve family unity and to efficiently discharge his responsibilities;
C. a Filipino citizen who is proud of his race and his culture, and works to promote world peace and unity in society;
D. an individual who pursues an honest living, loves things Filipino and is responsive to the needs and changes of the times;
E. a Filipino citizen who loves and willingly serves the Republic of the Philippines, intelligently exercises his individual and collective rights and faithfully practices the ideals of democracy;
F. a person who fosters harmony, goodwill and brotherhood among the people of the world; and
G. an individual who lives healthily and uses his leisure time wisely to be physically fit for the development of self and community.
“PACONIANS: Men and Women of Faith, Love and Service.”
Guided by its Christian Philosophy and institutional objectives, the Paco Catholic School High School Department is deeply committed to the formation of:
1. an educand who gradually acquires a mature sense of responsibility, upholds Christian ideals and puts into good use whatever s/he has learned in the service of his/her fellowmen;
2. a student nurtured in an atmosphere of openness, where s/he can freely and effectively exercise his/her faculty of thought and communicate his/her ideas to promote solidarity among all;
3. an adolescent who is perceptive of his/her environment, is able to evaluate and make wise choices, recognizes and values the good and the true, and uses them to meet his/her human needs;
4. a human person educated in the warmth and experience of Christian love and, thus, is able to transmit this to the home and the rest of humanity;
5. a learner who acquires knowledge and applies skills in the different areas of learning with emphasis on the scientific and technological fields in response to the growing needs and demands of a changing society;
6. a student who is prepared physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually for higher education;
7. a student equipped with vocational aptitude to enable him/her to work for a decent livelihood in the event that s/he is unable to continue college studies;
8. a student who respects the dignity of labor and upholds self-esteem even if s/he is unable to pursue higher learning;
9. a person with a taste for the finer things in life, who values and appreciates the arts that enrich the development of a desirable personality;
10. a person who values, protects and preserves his/her environment, makes use of its resources judiciously for the development of the Country, and works towards the rehabilitation of our depleted natural resources; and
11. a citizen who is proud of his/her race, appreciates the role of our heroes in shaping the history of our country and emulates their examples.
“Noblesse Oblige” – Nobility Obligates!
Man is created in the image of God that s/he may exist in a loving relationship with Him and with each other (Gaudium et Spes 12). S/he therefore, is gifted with self-knowledge and freedom to know and love God above all things, and is in a living and loving relationship with his/her fellowmen.
Through knowledge and intellect, s/he discovers the truth and actually shares “in the light of the divine mind” (Gaudium et Spes 15). Through freedom, s/he has the capacity to know what is true and good. Thus, having been born as a beloved child of God in the waters of Baptism, there can be no greater nobility; there is no higher dignity, than that of being an image of God in Christ.
From this, s/he adheres to and lives up the PCS Motto: “Noblesse Oblige”, which means “your nobility and dignity is great, so is your responsibility”.
Every Paconian has a noble calling as a child of God and a brother/sister of Christ. Because of this unique privilege s/he belongs to the nobility of God’s kinship. As such, s/he has an obligation to be a living witness of this calling and must live his/her life accordingly.
Being part of Paco Catholic School is an expression of his/her high regard for this noble institution for excellence and for the spirit and standards not only in academic pursuits but above all in religious formation for Catholic living.